Revision Comment

In order to save which user made which change inside the ORM the ZF\Doctrine\Audit\RevisionComment class exists. This class is managed by the service manager so only one copy exists. Before you call a flush(); to make changes to ORM data you may populate the RevisionComment to save additional information.

Fetching RevisionComment

When you wish to use the RevisionComment inject it via a factory:

use ZF\Doctrine\Audit\RevisionComment;


There is a trait and interface you may include located in the persistence directory for setting and getting the RevisionComment.

Using RevisionComment

Before you flush(); your object manager set the values on the RevisionComment. The RevisionComment will be cleared after flush(); The value you may set is comment.

Custom Identity for Revision Auditing

The Revision entity has space for userId, userName, and userEmail. These are populated based on the authenticated user. See src/EventListener/PostFlush.php. ZF\OAuth2\Doctrine\Identity\AuthenticatedIdentity is handled natively as is ZF\MvcAuth\Identity\AuthenticatedIdentity but if you’re not using these identity strategies you’ll have to write your own PostFlush handler to update the Revision and override it in the service manager using the key ZF\Doctrine\Audit\EventListener\PostFlush.